I have been tagged by Debi -thanks so much - and I had better get it done, even though of course I wouldn't mind procrastinating a little while longer, at least until I forget all about it. But that is probably not the right thing to do.
The rules: Link the person who tagged you. Mention the rules on your blog. Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours. Tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking them. Leave a comment on each of the blogger's blogs letting them know they've been tagged.
1. My hair on the right side of my head grows faster than the rest.
2. I have been having vivid dreams for the past three weeks, ever since we moved to our new apartment in Moscow. I can't remember them longer than about 10 minutes after waking up, if that long, but I know they have been happening every night, sometimes more than one each night.
3. Baby Signing Time is one of my favorite kids' shows. Not that I necessarily love watching it every day or look forward to it. BUT I like the fact that Maiby learns something while watching and that it keeps her entertained enough that I can take a shower and leave her in the bouncer while I do and she doesn't spend the whole time crying.
4. It drives me crazy when people misspell things or use incorrect grammar on signs. If you are going to post something inside your business, it needs to be professional.
5. I love reading children's books; I used to go to Hastings and spend about an hour reading their books. James and I would love to have a library in our house full of all kinds of books.
6. Right now I am working on a list my brother gave me - the Basic Western Canon. I have really enjoyed reading classic books this summer and am currently working on the 1st quarter of Les Miserables. So far I like it, but I am currently learning about the Battle of Waterloo and I'm not quite sure how it fits with the story.
As I complete this tag, I think I will Tag: Rissa, Ruth, Melissa, Jenny, Tennille, and Jay
For our family news, we had a nice and quiet Labor Day weekend. We spent Saturday in Lewiston with James' parents and Sunday and Monday we spent at home. We went for a nice walk both of those days. I was a little disappointed yesterday when I went to run errands with Maiby and the grocery store was PACKED with people restocking after a long weekend. The person with the least was a guy who passed our car before we left the parking lot - he had just the 'essentials' - beer and milk.
Takeshis talk, new tv, sunsets and more
4 days ago
Beer and milk, huh? That is hilarious. As for the tag, that might take a while and I probably will forget. I don't know if I could come up with six quirky things about myself. We'll see. Thanks for the thought though.
I am excited Joe will be home soon even if it's only for a bit. We are okay. I miss him and that can make me a bit raw around the edges sometimes but overall we are doing pretty good. Half way through!!!
If you like children books (depending on the age you go for), you would love Kate Seredy books! I want to get the whole collection. The Chestry Oak is incredible.
Thanks bunches Missy. Hopefully I'll get around to posting about the tag soon. Tennille
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