So we pulled into our new apartment complex in Michigan with just enough time to sign the lease before the office closed. And we had great help unloading the truck on Saturday.
But there is NO WAY we would have survived the trip (make that me, since James spent the whole trip in the truck) without the two angels known as 'Mom/Grandma' that came with us to help with the girls. Thank you!
Random mix of family things
2 days ago
Glad you made it.
Glad your moms where able to come along with those two little ones in tow and I am glad you made it. Cannot wait to hear how you like it out there. Good luck unpacking everything and getting settled in.
glad you arrived safe!
Glad to hear you made it safe and sound. That's a long drive with two little ones.
How exciting! I hope that you like the apartment and that you will love the area soon. Grandmas are the best! I am glad that you got help! Let us know if the milk and cheese is as good as all the hype!
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