When I was younger I loved helping my mom decorate cakes - she used to work at a bakery so she knew what she was doing. When I was in college, my mom bought me a decorating kit and tried to buy a Wilton class through Michaels, but it didn't work out. So I have been taking them the past few months. I have finished course 1 and 2, but 3 and the fondant course will have to wait until at least July because of the course schedule. But I wanted to share the cakes that I made for my classes.
The first three here are from course 1. I learned how to make buttercream icing, clown cupcakes, using several tips to make leaves and flowers, and a rose.
The next ones are from course two, and this time we learned to make royal icing (for the flowers) and color flow (for the bird and butterfly - it's how you can make anything on top of a cake from a picture - like spongebob or dora or something from a coloring book). And I learned a new rose that I don't like as much and a bunch of flowers out of royal icing, and also the basketweave technique. I hadn't expected to enjoy that, but I really had fun with it.

And here are some cupcakes I made for my friends' baby shower - they are rattles (I can't remember what my mom thought they were, but she was way off...)

That's amazing! You make me want to check out our Michaels and see what I can learn :) You're going to be such a "cool mom" now that you can do this! Not that you weren't before, of course, but every mom has to have a weird amazing talent, right?
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