James, I finally got it to work, as long as it posts. I will just do this one and then make a newer post with another video if it will work. But here are pictures from Julia's birthday party. For anyone who is not James, our niece had her 1st birthday last week and Maiby and I went to Lewiston for the party. I would have probably stayed home if I had known that I would pick up the flu and then give it to my mom. But we are all better now!! This is Julia Grossman, now one.
Her big brother James is getting so big.
And her new brother Jackson was born on the 11th of June - he looks like a tiny old man and loves to keep his elbows and knees bent. When I was holding him he started crying and looked like it was as loud as he could but I could barely hear him. Such a cutie!
Maiby and Julia are only 2 1/2 months apart, but are now almost exactly the same size. Maiby is starting to pass her up in height, but she doesn't walk yet so it's hard to tell.
And here's how Maiby is almost crawling...she doesn't realize how fast she would go if she would put her knees under her.
Takeshis talk, new tv, sunsets and more
4 days ago
It looks like she's on Nate's same timetable. He didn't really crawl (tummy off the ground) until he was 11 months old, and there was no walking until he was 14 months. It's hard to be patient for it all to happen, but at the same time it's so much easier to keep up with them!! :)
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