Does anyone have ideas as to why Maiby woke up last night about 10 times, and cried and cried and cried? Or any ideas on how to help her if it happens again? It's not very fun to head to bed and then be delayed by about 2 hours...
My sweet Emiko
2 weeks ago
Man!! I really wish I could help you in this department but I don't think I have ever had this happen to me... actually, I am sure that one of my younger siblings has done this before but I don't remember... Maybe she was having a bad reoccuring dream???
Teething? Growing pains? Soar throat? Having a hard time breathing? Upset stomach? Bad dreams? Did you try Tylenol?
Ear ache?
lauryn went through a phase of night terrors. they are like night mares but worse because they are hard to wake up anyone from them. I would try to had to console her. sing, rub her back, say a prayer. Or maybe she's sick? try some tylenol. or maybe she growing? if it continues I would go to a doc!
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