So for some reason I was nominated for the Kreativ Blogger award from How to Become a Zombie in Two Easy Steps (thanks, Sun!); I'll tell you right now I feel she has earned the honor more than me. And as part of accepting the award, I am about to reveal 7 things you probably don't know about me.
1. I have learned to play many instruments in my life: alto sax, bassoon, clarinet, piano, organ, a little bit of guitar and flute.
2. I have had a variety of hair colors in the last 10 years. Anything from bleach blonde, orange, about 15-20 shades of red, pink, blue, green (when the blue was fading), and several shades of brown.
3. I have cut my own hair twice. From longer-than-my-shoulder to less than 4 inches. It's surprisingly freeing.
4. Cake dough is one of my favorite foods of all time; when I am not pregnant (because my husband gets mad about the raw eggs when I am), I tend to reserve almost 1 cup of dough to slurp in the 30 seconds after putting the cake in the oven.
5. I enjoy video games; I have beaten Super Mario Bros 3 on the regular nintendo (I didn't own one until I got married, so it's a relatively new feat), and have been thoroughly enjoying the New Super Mario Bros. for the Wii in the last month.
6. My second toe is longer than my big toe on each foot. It has always really bothered James. And to try to convince him that it was a positive feature about me, I made a powerpoint presentation soon after we started dating. It was about 10 slides long and full of pictures of my feet and other feet I found online that looked like mine. Great fun.
7. I have a master's degree. And the proof can be found on my diploma, which is hidden away in a box somewhere in our house; the plan is to frame it someday...
Now for my nominations (these are some of my favorite blogs), in no particular order:
1. K8 at the Foutch Coutch
2. Jade at Stellmon-sters
3. Jennifer The Craft Patch
4. Melissa at A Kiwi & an Eagle
5. Maaike at The Sixty Minky
6. Keri & crew at Sew Incredibly Crafty
7. Leslie & crew at Side Notes
And the rules for the seven of you are as follows:
1. Thank the person giving the award
2. Copy the award to your blog
3. Place a link to their blog
4. Name 7 things people don't know about you
5. Nominate 7 bloggers
6. Place a link to those blogs
7. Leave a comment letting them know about the award
My sweet Emiko
2 weeks ago
Alright. I'll do it.
so #6 is the normal way a foot should be...I learned that in high school and thought it was silly because I thought that it going from longest to shortest would be the norm...tell James that he is the weird two out of the four of you:)
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