
Things I've Learned from a Big Girl Bed

So it's been a few weeks since Maiby started using her Big Girl Bed, and I have learned several things (I was thinking about this in the shower this morning, so I might not remember them all - that was a LONG time ago!).

-- It is possible for her to be happy all day without a nap.

-- Sometimes a nap in front of the door is better than no nap.

-- Maiby can take off her pj's herself and pick out her clothes before we come in her room.

-- She still needs help making the bed.

-- Her binky and bear are on the shelf before she picks out clothes - it's probably step 2 of her morning routine, after turning on the light.

-- Two weeks of not taking a nap takes it's toll on a little girl - she fell asleep in the car on the way home from church today and stayed asleep until we got in the house (she has not done that in well over a year!!)

-- There is hope that she will sleep in the car when we drive to Michigan WOOHOO!!

-- She just wasn't ready for a big girl bed when we tried before.

-- She loves the freedom.

-- We no longer need an alarm clock - she is up by 630 EVERY morning. And on days when we get up at 6, she's up & at 'em then, too.

--If I change my reading time to her quiet time, I can still read the scriptures every day; but remembering to do so is a problem again, since it's not first-thing.