I mentioned the quiet book I am making for Maiby in my last blog, and Debi asked me about it, and since I don't really know how else to contact you, hopefully you check the blog again! Originally I started making one myself without a pattern - I looked at hundreds (and I don't think I am exaggerating) of websites - any that had anything to do with quiet books, but I didn't ever find quite what I was looking for. So I decided to just wing it and make sure that as Maiby grew up that she would realize it was made with love and call it good. But one day I was at Joann's for their pattern sale (99 cents each) and looking through the book for Halloween costumes and checking on other things I might want a pattern for and found a Simplicity or McCall's pattern that I really liked! So I bought it and am finished cutting things out and started working on the first page. I haven't done the cover yet because I am adding a few of my own pages that I really wanted in a quiet book, so I may change how it's put together, but I'm waiting until the pages are done before I decide.
Takeshis talk, new tv, sunsets and more
4 days ago
Yes, I checked back ;) I must admit, I now have a list of blogs that I check regularly (I must be a stay at home mom or something *giggle*).
I had no idea that simplicity had a quiet book pattern! I went to that sale too, but only bought boring patterns, like for clothes and stuff. I'll have to check again for the quiet book! Do you have a pattern number by chance?
Oh, and here's my email address (written weird so it can't be read by any bot and we get MORE annoying spam):
tonksfam at
gmail dot com
We miss ya!
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