Obama and other proponents are trying to pass universal healthcare - please contact your government representatives to let them know how you feel. Tonight I sent an email to my senators and house rep; if you live in Idaho, here's the contact info:
Walt Minnick (house of rep): www.minnick.house.gov/contact/index.shtml
Mike Crapo (senate): www.crapo.senate.gov/contact/email.cfm
James Risch (senate): www.risch.senate.gov/webform.cfm
My sweet Emiko
2 weeks ago
So what do you think the answer is?
Well, we definitely need reform in the medical system, but making the rich pay & allowing the government to make those decision for us is not right. And I don't know what the answer to that reform is, BUT the system that is being pushed through is not what the US needs.
I think that medical reform should start with making costs less. Why does it cost $50 to use one blanket? And IV's are really expensive, but they are not all used to the end; most are changed when they are only low and then the remainder is thrown out.
Do you remember that teenager a few years ago who made some fancy, super expensive medical machine for about $1000 - I can't remember her name or what type of machine it was (I tried to find it last night online), but it worked correctly and was about 10 times less than what a hospital is charged to purchase one. That says to me that things could be done for a lot less money.
And if the government does get into healthcare, who's to say they won't be adding new taxes on things that are not healthy (since it would be up to them what to cover and what not to) - does that mean extra taxes on soda, fast food, and stuff like that?
And if we are not healthy from the get-go, like cancer patients who take expensive drugs, and don't make much money in a year to cover the drug costs, then it's up to the government to decide if we get to live. I am not comfortable giving the government that much power over people's lives.
Wow. Go Melissa! I agree with you and I think it is awesome that you are conscious of what is going on in our country right now.
I'm a big supporter of universal healthcare. (But, me being the liberal that I am, I'm sure you're not surprised.)
It's the insurance companies that are setting the high prices and deciding who gets to live and who doesn't. Apparently, the status of stockholder's bank accounts are more important than Riley living because NO insurance company will insure him unless he can get on a company's group coverage. No one will even give me a quote and, believe me, I've tried. At Joey's last job, our insurance was terminated because there were fewer than 10 employees and at a previous job the boss just decided to not pay for insurance. (We were still paying premiums but not getting any coverage.)
You are young and healthy and have a healthy child. Of course you don't see the need for universal healthcare. But, for those of us that have an uninsureable child, been faced with astounding medical bills (even though we had insurance), and have had to make the decision between keeping a job or keeping our child alive, universal healthcare sounds great.
The general public picks up the tab whether it's in higher taxes or higher premiums. The only difference is that, right now, insurance companies can deny us coverage while still raising premiums.
Have you experienced or educated yourself on the current healthcare system? It's not much of a system. Something needs to be done ASAP, go OBAMA!
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