
Latest & Greatest

We've got great things happening at the Grossman house!

James has been offered and accepted a job for after graduation in May!! We are super excited to know what we are doing and where we are headed.

Where, you may ask? Michigan! We've never been there, but hear it's a great place. And next summer we will know what it's like to live there.

And who is this great job going to be with? Leprino Foods, a major mozarella cheese manufacturer. We have heard and seen great things about them, and James is looking forward to working for them.

Woohoo!! What a great feeling.


Super Angie said...

Congratulations!!!!! So exciting! Michigan will definitely be an adventure.

I googled Leprino Foods, and they look great!

Frantz Family said...

super awesome! Congrats you three and 1/2! Don't know if I told you before but I am so happy for you guys and your upcoming birth! way to go!

The Boyle's said...

That is great. Congrats. I am excited for you guys. I have heard great things about Michigan too. That is super far away though. We will miss you guys.

Jade said...

Wahoo! What a great blessing to have the scary unknown of "what next" NOT THERE. You can spend the next several months planning, plotting, googling and in general just being excited. So happy for you. That's great, great, great news.

Melissa said...

Oh yeeeeeeeeeeah it's all about knowing peeps in different streets.
I tried to rhyme to sound cool but I think I just made an ass outt've myself.
Man that's so cool you guys have a job and a future, well not that you didn't have a future before, maybe I should re-word that like this, I'm so glad James has found a career and wish you guys all the luck in the world.

Anonymous said...

what awesome news! I am so happy for you and your family! How wonderful to know what you're doing next!

Fab Five said...

That really is the latest and greatest!!! What a relief!!!

Ashley said...

Congrats! What a relief to have a job when school is over,

Sarah Ruth Ritchie said...

Wow! CONGRATS! We are really going to miss you guys when that day comes!!!